Lilja Library
The Natick Public School Libraries' mission is to ensure that all students are effective users and producers of ideas and information.

About the Library:
Hours: 8:30am - 2:56pm
Library Media Specialist: Ms. Becky Moss
Library Paraprofessional: Ms. Bridget Hoarty
Book Circulation/checkout policy:
Kindergarten: Check out begins in late November, one book at a time. Loan period is 2 weeks, with renewals unless another student is waiting for the book.
1st - 4th Grade: Students may check out two books at a time. Extra books are allowed for classroom research projects. Loan period is 2 weeks and renewals are allowed unless a book has been requested by another patron.
Overdue/damaged book policy:
Reminders (handwritten) are sent weekly, and Overdue Notices are sent monthly. There is no charge for overdue books.
Challenge policy: See district policy
Reader's Advisory: How we help students find that just right book. Students are encouraged to choose books that they can read independently, or in the case of emergent readers, that they will enjoy through the illustrations, and with family members at home. Assistance will be provided in the library, if necessary. If students consistently have a hard time finding a "just right book," the classroom teacher may be consulted.
Volunteering in our library: We welcome volunteers in our library! Volunteers assist with circulation and shelving books, as well as helping students use the Destiny catalog to locate books. Occasionally there are special projects, such as pulling books for teacher units of study and assisting with collection maintenance. Please contact Ms. Moss to volunteer.
Catalogs and Resources:
“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.” Sidney Sheldon